Window Replacement Company in Kansas City | Affordable Windows in Kansas City

Windows are one of the most important attributes of a home. It not only brightens the inside of your home and provides free lighting, but it is also a safety precaution in the instance of a house fire. With that being said, have you noticed any drafts, wood rot, or high energy bills? It could be time to replace your windows for energy-efficient windows in Kansas City. 


A noticeable sign that will tell you it’s time for window replacement in Kansas City is the condition of your windows. Do you notice any decay, rot, a broken window sash, or other damage? Even if your window may still be somewhat operable, it is recommended you replace the window before more damage ensues. 

High Energy Bills 

Did you know your windows can impact your energy bills? By allowing sunlight in, it can increase your bills by nearly 25%. You can fix this problem by replacing your current windows with energy efficient windows in Kansas City that meet Energy Star standards.  

Resale Value 

If it’s been decades since your windows were last repaired or replaced and you plan on selling your home, it may be a good time to consider replacing them. New windows will increase the resale value of your home, and potential homebuyers will enjoy knowing they don’t have to worry about replacing them anytime soon. If you don’t want to spend thousands, check out our $189 window in Kansas City at Sunshine Home Improvement. 


If any of the above applies to you, Sunshine ranks among the best window replacement companies in Kansas City and offer some of the most affordable windows in Kansas City as well. We understand replacing windows isn’t the most enjoyable decision to make or chore to do, which is why we are here to answer any questions you may have and will guide you through the entire process. We are the home of the $189 window in Kansas City and are here for any of your window replacement needs!